Rigor Mortis - Freaks

Production: Loud and accurate representation.

Review: Taking their neoclassical speed metal further into its haze of frenzied melody in conflicted explosive phrases emphasizing an alienation of sound and rhythm based in an urgency of apocalyptic isolation, Rigor Mortis launch an EP of their most technical work with a central application of anthemic theme and violent dissolution into chaos. Based loosely in a progressive version of heavy metal done at high speed with a taste for the rawest, simplest riffs possible building into evolving structures of great complexity, this epic carries beauty through noise with structure and a sense of narrative behind its convoluted songwriting.

Often resonant in whirring sonority of whipping wrist lightspeed tremelo as it prepares for a rhythmic break, music adeptly recontextualizes itself through abrupt tempo and structural changes, following an inherent continuity to the resurgent nature of its cyclic components. More prominently the lead guitar of Scaccia is indulged here to satisfaction with swarming progressions of continuous yet multifacted theme as found on instrumental portions of the latter half of this release. Iteration of guitar strum at speeds of incomprehensible change allows harmonic overlapping to contribute to phenomenal presence of expected direction in tonal change in prescience of the technique Immortal and other black metal bands would apply. A useful footnote to this idea is the majestic and vastly unsettling "The Haunted," which despite its somewhat lunkish chorus makes sources of unfolding energy exchange and strength from simplicity.


1. Freaks (4:58)
2. Cattle Mutilation (2:59)
3. The Haunted (4:59)
4. Six Feet Under/Worms of The Earth (9:49)
5. Chained In The Attic (3:09)

Length: 25:56

Rigor Mortis - Freaks: Speed Metal 1989 Rigor Mortis

Copyright © 1989 Metal Blade

In some ways built with one foot in the past and one in the future, this release expresses a tendency toward structure rising out of circular consistent-dynamic riff-based structures such as those found in speed metal or rock, yet keeps the older influence prominent in both structure and melodic sense. Overcoming this the raw musicality and passion of this music drives focus toward the emotional significance of metaphorical death worship in the midst of powerful antisocial metal.