Nyctophobic - War Criminal Views
Review: Not groundbreaking grindcore Nyctophobic have integrated the standoff pacing of blasting death metal to essential power chord riffs in the style of Terrorizer or Agathocles to liberate this hardcore fusion music to the kind of pulsing counterpoint vocal-lead verses that made death metal famously annoying, cadenced beats layering vocal emphasis upon corresponding military drum and guitar rhythms. The consistency impedes complexity but increases tension through thundering iteration of riff layers.
Gutter-throat voices puke out violence and angst under this slamming, roaring, rising tempest of organic retribution and discontent. The comprehensive vocal cadencing textures different parts of the song with an overtone that makes their monotony essential, almost overbearingly lucid; any rhythms not dominated by that are sliced out by guitar, a rigid drop-hand blast of anticipatable but satisfying conclusions. Compositional unity is achieved by rhythm, and shakily sometimes at that, as part and creation of an overall behind the scenes blood-pumping tempo that unrelenting carries much of the atmosphere that fits Nyctophobic into the range of simple grindcore or death metal with a world to imitate.