Niden Div 187 - Towards Judgment

Production: Flattened pneumatic sound of furiously distorted and barely mixed blast of music lends a background ambience to the actual phrases of each song.

Review: Permanent fury in the face of grimness is the striking music of Niden Div 187, a band who compose black metal from the elements of incomprehensible melody and almost military, digital-age precision beat blasting. Essentially simple and similar to many other bands in composition this music distinguishes itself by building intermediate segments of composition to link narrative phrases or mutated chorus fragments. The technique that propels this intricacy is the familiar ultra-fast metal strum, here modified with a whipping presence of wrist to produce a fluid dynamic of sound.

Thematic presence renders itself mostly aesthetic by consisting of developments along a single riff theme, and although managing to sound amazing when in counterpoint to an answering phrase, it mainly adds coherence through repetition and works well for that. The strict whisper-shriek of Henke (of Dawn) fills the background of a listener's mind while the forebrain is bathed in the waves of melodic distortion rolling out of polyrhythmic blast beat combinations; the vocals are cued to the walking cadence of each beat, and the simple riffs focus on diffusive counterpoints which roll out the sustained melodic tones.


1. Black Water (4:20) Heavy metal, death metal, speed metal, doom metal, grindcore or thrash mp3 sample
2. Retinence (3:18)
3. A View In The Mirror Black ((3:46) Heavy metal, death metal, speed metal, doom metal, grindcore or thrash mp3 sample
4. Towards Judgement (4:04) Heavy metal, death metal, speed metal, doom metal, grindcore or thrash mp3 sample

Length: 15:30

Niden Div 187 - Towards Judgment: Black Metal 1996 Niden Div 187

Copyright © 1996 Necropolis

Like the theatricalism black metal bands emulate the theory of Niden Div 187 includes an appreciation for the major theme; in simplicity's sake that is what they expound here, a theme in combinations in a style of composition not quite to the layering of Burzum but beyond the counter-bounce of most Venom-styled black metal bands. Immaculate melodies and extended phrases are not the vitality here but the texture which continually unveils the moldings of thematic form. Consequently this release is enjoyable through both visceral and intellectual channels.