Old Disgruntled Bastard, one of the few quality metal blogs around, accused Death Metal Underground of writing clickbait on Facebook for our recent Sadistic Metal Reviews of older albums our staff had noticed to be inferior to the best of the past:
To Death Metal Underground: Certain albums have endured – for musical and extra-musical reasons – across decades and among generations of metalheads of diverse backgrounds, and the least they warrant is treatment with the respect they’ve earned. There is no revelation to be made and there is no current of general perception to be reversed by “raping sacred favorites”. Clickbait is distinctly unelitist and pissing in the wind for the fuck of it isn’t terribly smart either.
118 CommentsTags: Angel Witch, blood, classics, clickbait, cynic, dissection, diversity, gothenburg metal, kreator, manilla road, nostalgia, Old Disgruntled Bastard, sadistic metal reviews, salt, sentimentality, sodom, sodomize the weak