Apparently, Metalsucks wrote an article recently which alluded to Finnish late model black metal band Horna being Nazis for (a) having members who worked with NSBM-ish bands in the past (b) having members who were in NSBM-ish bands in the past and (c) possibly being friends with NSBM-ish people.
49 CommentsThe Dirt (2019)
Netflix categories The Dirt as a “dark comedy,” but more accurately it belongs to the new genre of victimhood/confessional documentaries that this film studio likes to produce. Like I, Tonya, which was the first of this type of documentary witnessed by your author, it admits wrongdoing but pairs it with a sense of being wronged.
3 CommentsTags: film, motley crue, movie, netflix, the dirt
Death Metal Forces Us To Understand Violence
Over the years, people have debated whether music about evil, violence, disease, the occult, death, doom, despair, misery, sodomy, war, killing, mutilation, and desecration can be healthy. The thinking generally goes that exposure to these things makes us more likely to act out “fantasies” of them.
2 CommentsTags: death, disease, Horror, psychology, violence
Sound Waves May Have Negative Mass
From Scientific American, an interesting theory of the mass of sound:
4 CommentsTags: collective excitations, music, photons, sound waves
Jobs Are Jails
What would Hessianism be, if it were expressed as a philosophy? The idea that beauty is found in whole structures and not textures; in other words, when you see all that is there, you understand the role of darkness and how the beauty in it is essential to have other good things, and when we deny it, we fall into an abyss of ourselves and suck in everything around us, choking ourselves out with our own weight.
57 CommentsTags: anti-work, hessianism, jobs, jobs are jails, Philosophy, politics
Metaphor For The Heavy Metal Philosophy
Let us say that genetics may be upstream of culture, but culture including philosophy and religion is upstream of politics, and therefore, that if we want to understand politics, we need to read it as philosophy, just like we need to read religion as literature to understand its point.
What, then, would be The Metal Philosophy™? (more…)
8 CommentsTags: distortion, Heavy Metal, natural laws, Philosophy, the metal philosophy
Singapore Gets In On The Hate Crime Crusade Against Heavy Metal
We went into the eighteenth century assuming that man-made or artificial systems could do better than nature, based on the “me first” individualism of The Enlightenment.™ People assumed that this would free us of the kings and the crazed mob both, but they were all deceived.
6 CommentsTags: censorship, jesus, Singapore, watain
Legion of Torture Zine Issue Four Released
Other than this site and a handful of others, none of the internet seems trustworthy to a listener like myself. Any relevant information has been drowned out by not just commercial messages, but virtue signaling, and lots of losers LARPing as important people with big opinions.
4 CommentsTags: legion of torture, morbid desecrator, peru, zine
Aesthetics Of Sickness Book On Underground Metal Art Released
Now that two decades have passed since underground metal was a threat and its ideas live on in artistic, political, social, and philosophical changes, writers are bringing out more contemplative — and less “fanboy” — visions of that time. These continue with a new book named Aesthetics Of Sickness.
No CommentsInfamous – Winter Ruins in Howling Mist (2019)
Infamous contributed two tracks to the split CD/EP with Cmentarny Zew, Thorncastle and Ordo Sanguinis Noctis named Winter Ruins in Howling Mist released by Darker Than Black Records. These songs demonstrate why Infamous remains at the head of the new brand of black metal, mainly by staying true not just to black metal, but to idea-driven music.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, darker than black, infamous