Hail The Black Metal Wolves Of Belial
[Blood Fire Death]
This Pest is the Finnish one, not to be confused with the multitude of other
bands bearing the name. Of course, upon hearing them, you wouldn't be confused
anyway, as this is the one led by Satanic Warmaster, former vocalist of Horna
and vocalist/songwriter of the band Satanic Warmaster. Pest was one of his
earlier projects, either predating or concurrent with his stint in Horna, and
under the Pest name they released a few different demos and 7" vinyls - and this
disc basically compiles them all into nine tracks of gloriously headbanging
blasphemous black metal. If you've heard Satanic Warmaster (the band) you know
SW's penchant for old-school songwriting and riffing, but while S.W. takes off
older Darkthrone and Graveland, Pest digs back into the older black-heavy-metal
stylings of Venom, Bathory, and even classic Priest/NWOBHM-style headbanging
fistpumping riffs. It's impossible NOT to bang your head to songs like "Satanic
Winter", "Possessed Wolves Howling", or "Riding Under the Sign of Horns". As I
(too) often say, too many people forget the "METAL" part of "Black Metal", but
not Pest, who bring back the glory days of metal, spikes, leather, and
poseur-beatdowns right along with all the inverted crosses and grave
© 2003 lord vic