After being let-down by their 2 previous demos, the
first KATHARSIS full-length really exceeded my
expectations. But there’s one thing about this album
that people will either love or hate, and that’s the
fact that it sounds so much like “Under A Funeral
Moon”!! Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) about this
release is “UAFM”-ish: The production, guitar sound,
vocals, and style of music!!! In fact, someone
could’ve dubbed this for me claiming it was “lost
tracks from the ‘UAFM’ sessions” and I would’ve had
absolutely no problem believing them!!! Luckily, this
album succeeds in being in the DARK THRONE vein,
unlike so many who fail. I guess this could also be
comparable to “De Totem” by LUGUBRUM (minus the
banjo). Since this was limited to 200 copies only,
it’s HIGHLY unlikely you’ll ever find an original.
Although, there’s already a poor-quality cdr bootleg
of this being circulated (then again, it seems few
releases of labels like Sombre or Drakkar have NOT
been bootlegged)…
© 2003 bathym