[Old Legends]
This came out in 1998, so I can't honestly say whether it superceded the
"Songs From the Forest" MC, or if it in fact came before. I would tend to
claim the former, as the musical progressions can be seen in myraid
examples. Interestingly enough, even though the two cassettes were released
not a year apart, already the label has been switched from Pagan Folk to Old
As I alluded to prior, in various ways this MC outdoes the rather dour
compositions of the "Songs..." MC; firstly, the sound has been noteably
improved, now incorporating a better distortion on the previously flat and
lifeless guitar; secondly, the songs themselves have been remarkeably
progressed, now osscilating between several tempos, time changes, rythm
changes, and most of all, fluctuations in the music itself (IE sound).
Whereas "Songs..." provided a mere pleasant atmosphere with which one could
indulge, "Cedamus" builds from a violent foundation of pulsating electronic
drums, inhuman/synthetic/cosmic vocals, and a better, yet still undoubtedly
underdevelpoed guitar sound. I suppose the synthetic origin of the music is
what the band (Jacek) was striving for; even in Kataxu I have always heard
an inmistakeable cosmic/astral desire, punctuated particularly in the myriad
synthesizer compositions which are scattered throughout their releases. For
example, listen to the beginning of the track "War," on their split with
Thunderbolt, and tell me this does not propel you into another dimension!
Furthermore, listen to the song before that, the instrumental keyboard
track, and try and tell me the same! Even in the somewhat more structurally
traditional BM songs I hear this celestial influence creeping into the fold.
Were getting sidetracked here...
Backpeddling a bit, we see on this recording an improved sound, and
consequently, a powerfully evocative ambience throughout. Once again, the
electronic overtones which provide the structure for the album further this
atmosphere by adding the inhuman origin. And again, the vocals are nothing
less than the best, and once again, I ponder how in the hell this man can do
them! First that hate/yearning, then the throat losenges!!
There are lots of tracks on here, and each one is specifically unique in
and of itself. Cedamus, like the related Kataxu is a band which
incorporates a striking linearity into their musical compositions; the
listener is never brought to a concluding phrase, continuing chorus, or even
a noteable rythm section to which the instruments inevitably return.
Instead, the music continues on and on, building on seperate harmonies and
expanding them to their full capacity. Although technically demanding,
these compositions are great for the listener because they provide a musical
genesis of sorts; a renewal of interest in and through every unique listen.
Furthermore this clearly implies a technical mastery of both musical
structure and execution.
Lastly I need add that Cedamus borders dangerously on the fringe of
techno; imagine electronic tampered with to the point of a subtle yet
inmistakeable dance beat. I would hate to call it dance music, but alas,
some sections are certainly so. Interestingly enough however, they are not
half bad. The utterly hateful screams that fly high over the beats are just
enough so that the music still retains the dark and labyrinthian ambience,
and furthermore, saves these particular sections from ruining an otherwise
impressive album (as did De Infernali).
Expect haunting/cosmic atmospheres and a hint of BM played over violent
electronics and synthesizers (Dead World) and you have got a start.
© 2002 orodruin