As My Kingdom Rises
[Majestic Noch]
"As My Kingdom Rises" demo from North from '93. Some of their better
songs are on here, including, "Hymn to Winter", "In the Circle of the
Kings", "Entering the Dark Kingdom", and "Through My Blood". Six tracks
total. This is, in all honesty, very much the same as their other outputs,
primarily because they are mainly reproducing the same selections of songs
over and over again in different formats and at different epochs in their
career. Be that what it may, this is still an incredible demo, and very
satisfying in lue of the scene as it is today. Again produced by Majetic
Noch, who have produced every other North item I have picked up, as well as
some of the other old Polish bands like "My Infinite Kingdom".
© 2002 orodruin