Heritage From The Past

Like "Opus IV", "Heritage From the Past" has uncovered a musical gateway into cosmic truth through musical expression. Beyond the stars and beyond consciousness this music takes one into a void of existence only conceivable on a higher plateau of being. I suppose a state of being beyond bounds, where thought and energy aggregate into forms one cannot even imagine, and where the perpetual transcendence of consciousness only leads to higher and higher, ever higher, planes of mental enlightenment. It's as if this man has traversed the bounds of celestial consciousness, and then unfurled the truth of that existence through the conduits of material expression; although not experientially realized in entirety, the essence rings clear. This is such pure energy, beyond time and space; beyond judgment and realization; it simply is.

Everything about this cassette has an air of truth to it. It's almost a final proclamation, before parting into ultimate reality (or in this particular case, ultimate filth!!). I can only search in vain to describe the feelings I expose when experiencing this gift. It has an unimaginable mechanical, inhuman, and synthetic origin to it that is simply indescribable. Musically this is archived through complete vocular abandonment, much as Kataxu has demonstrated to be capable of; screams of cosmic beginnings. Similarly, the atmosphere is... extraterrestrial, seemingly foreign to any thought and decency I may have once grasped to. There are no "check points" to grab hold of, no perceptions to hold one back... only endless transcendence, and then none. A masterpiece.

© 2002 orodruin