Medussa's Tears
There is a Mysticum shirt which is adorned a large radiation symbol which
paints a black backround. Inside this symbol lies three symmetrically
placed syringes, which all point at a rotating triad of sixes.
I believe that this just about sums about the ideaology in which these
guys stand. No aryan race, no elite class, no viking warriors, no pagan
pride, no eternal bliss, no "fun on the side." All that Mysticum stands for
is the rites of destruction, and the downfall to the last, of the human
race. Perhaps this extends beyond mere earthly context into the realm of
cosmic/ universal annihilation. Or perhaps we may simply generalize the
concept as the eradication of living itself. In a time where black metal
seems to be directly contradicting these once held beliefs, it is a breath
of fresh air to hear this material again, and be brought back into darkness.
This was the demo produced shortly after their changing from Sabazios to
the band we all know as Mysticum. They have always been somewhat elite to
the extent that very few have come close to their utter, utter black
atmosphere, produced mischeviously with the incorporation of a drum machine
and some high pitched inhuman vocals. In this particular case, they had the
drums programmed much lower in the mix, almost like an explosion was going
off everytime the snare was played. Furthermore, the bass was placed very
prominantly in the foreground, adding to the overall effect of "deepness,"
as if we were witnessing this music from the fettid bowels of hell itself.
As par norm, the vocals are ruling, and combine a myriad of different
styles, in the range from sonic growls, to the more familiar screams which
have been so oftenly compared to Ishan/ Wraath, et all. Although
comparisons will always be drawn, these vocals have content and structure,
wereas many simply find content in yelling.
Some of the songs were later redone on "In the streams of Inferno," yet
to hear them here is really quite a surprise for a variety of reasons. For
one, the atmopshere is tenfold better than it was on the debut cd, and
obviously one of the main dicatating factors for which a band like Mysticum
will be appreciated is in it's ability to create a certain charecteristic
atmosphere, or feeling, or conception. The sound is awful and underdone,
which may or may not be a plus to some. I feel that it makes the music all
the better, and I think most real fans would have to agree.
Songs are as follows;
Demon's never sleep
Into My Crypt Of Fear,
The Shattered Soul,
The proof Of Petrified Souls
Once again, a monumental peice of work from the one and only
© 2002 orodruin