Astrum Argentinum

Melek-Tha is perhaps the most devoted and serious band within the ever growing "noise scene," which is being all to populated and overdeveloped by cowards like Mortiis. In fact, I think it would be appropriate, in the context of this review, to simply create another category which may better suit the Music of Melek-Tha. I am not quite sure what to call that particular catgory, but I believe "Satanic ritual imperialist hate noise apokylapse butt fucking christ anal elite mary cumming whore dog" will suffice for now.

Now with that out of the way, we can begin this again in the proper atmosphere. Melek-Tha, as stated above, is music really only for the most twisted and sadistik minds amongst the elite, because I am sure most people just would not find it appealing at all hearing exorcist clips played over penetrating orgasmic screams, or Adolf Hitler's speeches played over a brilliant and melancholic wall of keyboards. And honestly, that is primarily what this album is; pure offensiveness. If you can't take it... Fuck off, it's not for your virgin ears anyways.

Yet, to pass it off immediately as such would not do it justice. Astrum Argentinum is also a very spiritual, and somewhat pagan offering, which delivers some powerful and moving peices of music, which inevitably seem to work thereselves into the mind of the listener, and transport them to a darker place. An example of this being in the third or fourth track, where, through a barrage of simulated wind and rain sounds, an orchestrated choir of females cries out in harmony toward the sky. It's honestly like being under the stars, back in the midieval ages, dancing around a desolate fire with a pack of witches and sorcerers. I suppose the proper name for this would then be "ritualistic" music, and indeed, this is how they seem to be categorized most often.

Let it be known; the throne of Abruptum has been taken ( although they will always remian the god's in my eyes ), and the reign of Melek-Tha will rule for the next thousand years.

Hail Victory!!!!!

© 2002 orodruin