Triumph Antichrist Genocide
No prelude to the apocalypse, just a few short notes before the whirlwind strikes. Then the aural beating takes place and continues unabated. Bludgeoning. Devestating. Crushing. J. Read (ex of Conqueror, session drums for Axis of Advance), Pete Helmkamp (ex of AngelCorpse, also in Terror Organ) & Co. have the safety off, a full clip of hollowpoint ammunition, the switch set to full auto, and the trigger pulled back with an iron grip.
The drumming of J. Read:
Picture yourself in front of that machine gun, but the bullets are rubber, and you are being strafed nonstop mercilessly, repeatedly, endlessly.
The bass and guitars (if you can call the straight chainsaw hellgrind of noise a guitar) of Pete Helpkamp and Co:
Add a constant brutal beating with a nice heavy aluminum bat to break a bones and add some deeper texture and color to the black and blue bruises that throb excruciatingly thoughout your conciousness.
The vocals of J.Read (with the additional backing vox of Pete Helmkamp):
As a finishing touch take a belt sander and grind whatever remains of your sanity and senses into a nice red paste.
There are no nice sentimental acoustic breaks, no harmonized melodies, nothing remotely less than complete, repeated and unrelenting punishment. There is nothing redeeming for the mainstream about this disc. If you're looking for some trendy raw black metal or some 'brutal' death metal, I invite you listen to this, because you deserve the absolute skull fucking that Revenge will give for you to learn the true meaning of real holocaustic evil fucking brutality in metal you fucking poser! This isn't black metal, brutal death metal, war metal, or whatever other name you can think of. It's called Revenge. And it is here waiting for you. Come get some...
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© 2003 grymyrk