Black Dominated Annihilation
I have to say I am not a fan of this disk. It has pretty much copied the typical bm scene. The drums are just really boring, plus they sound so triggered I'm tempted to think theyre a drum machine. The riffs are pretty standard, sped up darkthrone/satryicon fare. I think it's actually the vocals that turn me off so much of this, as as uninspiring as the riffs and rhythms are, they are still played with a degree of skill. The vocals are very high, not a scream though, but an extremely high unwavering throat stripping drone ala the usual disney character. There are no real contrasting changes in tempo except for the screams, which just serve to grate on your nerves and make you reach for the nearest gun or spiked club to put the disk out it's misery for good. That, the lackof distinction between the songs and the thin production with a lack of bottom end just pretty much finishes this disk. I usually can only get through 3 songs before I can't stand any longer. If it wasn't so annoying I'd sleep through it because it's so boring. I hate to come down hard on a band, because I understand the amount of effort and time that goes into creating black metal, but facts are facts, and this is just another one of those piles of shit that you step in occasionally and wipe off quickly before the stink gets overwhelming.
Contact: empaligon@gmx.de
© 2003 grymyrk