Limbonic Art
The Ultimate Death Worship
Limbonic Art is a two man black metal band, founded in '93 by Daemon
(ex-Zyklon & the only original member of Limbonic Art)-guitars, vox,
lyrics, psycho piano & soon after joined by Morfeus, guitars &
electronics. Limbonic Art was formed as a four man band at first, but
only the two remain. "The Ultimate Death Worship" is Limbonic Art's
follow-up to "Ad Noctum" - "Dynasty of Death'' CD released in '99 on
Nocturnal Art Pro. Most annoying to me is the over use of the
keyboards/electronics in various sections of the musick, if that was
dropped this would make a most awesome band/release. Seeing them live
was an experience I would rather not do again, very boring, they played
the 2001 Milwaukee Metalfest. Actually, they annoyed me so much with
their prolonged electronic intro I left after the first song. Back to
"The Ultimate Death Worship", "Purgatorial Agony" track three, is most
intensifying,-just screams of pain & torture, eerie sounds, & Daemonic
voices, great intro into "Toward the Oblivion of Dreams" a ten minute
excursion with once again too much psycho piano. Otherwise, the vocals
kill, Daemon does sounds as if he was possessed by Satan, guitars shred,
& drum machine is used. "Insterstellar Overdrive" is a blasphemous tune,
I also like "From the Shades of Hatred". Eight dark symphonic tunez on
Limbonic Art's fifth's release, totaling fifty-two minutes.This is
recommended only for those with a black heart.
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© 2002 skullcrusher