Die Verbannten Kinder Eva's
In Darkness Let Me Dwell
Protector is starting to piss me off. From the looks of this CD, and the last
couple of Summoning CDs, it appears that he is having a few moments of
pure genius, probably while he’s busting a nut in Tania, and creating a few
songs that are mind bendingly and soul crushingly beautiful, and then writing
a few uninspired filler songs while taking a shit or something. The man
should release nothing but EPs fom now on.
Summoning is my favorite favorite favorite and I was quite impressed by
Tanya’s preformance on Stronghold, so I naturally decided to pick up
something from this outfit. It’s the only DVKE release I have as yet so I
cannot really compare it to any others.
Well, there is of course, a lot of similarity to Summoning. Medieval
atmospheres, mad trumpets all over the place, keyboard proficiency ranging
from “Look! I have a Casio!” to “I can’t believe it wasn’t recorded in Middle
Earth during battle!” Slow, drawn out beats, long-ass songs running through
major musical themes about twice, etc. etc.
Differences: no guitars, no black metal vocals. Just keys and vox.
Tanya’s performance is again stellar; she knows what she’s doing and even in
the songs that suck big donkey cock, you have to admire her talent.
Protector’s vocals? “Brave brave sir Robin,” with what must be a thick
Austrian accent. Seriously, they are really medieval and took me a while to
get used to. Indeed, some songs still make me laugh in horror. That said,
they sound really dope when interlaced with Tanya’s.
Again, some of these songs are brilliant and get me amped every time. The
middle tracks always get skipped.
Packaging and layout are gorgeous. Lyrics are poems from different authors,
I believe. Protector has thankfully realized that metal musicians have a hard
time writing truly good lyrics (with very few VERY notable exceptions) so he
draws upon those who do it for a living. “Let mortal heroes sing your fame<
indeed being his philosophy. A little bit of gothic forelorness on these songs,
which I can’t fucking stand but at least they’re written well.
So is it worth getting? Hmmmm..... well, if you love Summoning as I do, the
really good songs would probably be worth it. Again, this is not metal in any
way, so don’t expect that. Maybe their other releases are better?
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