[War Hammer]

Profanatica was a pioneer of perversity and a very brutal band to say the least. It is with pleasure that I receive this full collection of Profanatica recordings. Over time, most listeners have come familiar with this brand of transcendentally black metal through numerous imitators and bands that received their influence, aesthetical or musical, from Profanatica, and might not be impressed. Profanatica remains a powerful experience but you need the element of having experienced at least a glimpse of the old cult. If you’re a newbie, this could sound like bad death metal with an exceptionally dry vocal performance. Anyway, I hope it doesn’t, since I see this as some of the blackest music ever and most seriously anti-christian. The offensive power is carried over in US black metal cults like Krieg and Demoncy, but there is a completeness in the original that overshadows the negative points of close similarity to second rate death metal demos and hyper-extreme joke bands. Profanatica had the ability to create songs that are at the same time very sick and very thoughtfully advanced into the realm of post-modern music that refuses all attempts to externally control the chaos of the mind. Paul Ledney brought this work over to Havohej and there was a shared member with the satanic death metal band Incantation – all these bands have a great amount of similarity to each other.

© 2002 black hate