Cast In Stone
Well, here's the "comeback" album of the fathers of
black metal. It's just a shame that this "comeback"
album is just a way to cash in on their name in my
eyes, since it totally sucks!! Luckily Cronos' vocals
are in the same mold of the early VENOM albums
(though not quite as harsh), unfortunatley the same
can't be said for the music. The "mall" metal (or
mall-core, or whatever you want to call it) influence
is present with the down-tuned guitars and
"start-stop" and "chugging" riffs. A few riffs do
bring back the sound/style of the early VENOM albums,
but these riffs are rare and don't happen often
enough. The only song I liked was "Destroyed And
Damned", the rest are mall metal (other than, as
mentioned, a few riffs here-and-there). The second cd
(or third lp) is a re-recording of a bunch of old
VENOM classics, which I found to be pointless like the
rest of this cd. If I want to hear these tracks, I'll
listen to the originals. Still, it's better
than their new material (not saying much). What I
don't understand is that some are calling this the
best metal comeback album ever. These people are
either blind, stupid, or haven't picked up "Jugulator"
© 2002 bathym