...Of The Fallen
Hmmm. Calling this music 'extreme' would be very problematic. But since
this band is still a part of the metal scene (they are currently signed to
Cursed Productions, if I am not mistaken), I guess a small mention is in
order. Avernus create a fusion of doom metal, gothic rock and Celtic folk
music, and, to speak objectively, they do it pretty well. The problem, of
course, is that this stuff is way too soft, tame and 'goody-goody' to appeal
to the LARM readers. It lacks any sort of dark atmosphere or bite. The band
try to show some drive on "Beautiful Black Heart," but it still comes off as
too mundane. On the consolation side, this record would be perfect to put on
for the easy-listening purposes when your ignorant girlfriend is around, who
for some odd reason just cannot stand you playing your Baltak albums at full
volume. Other than that, there is not much use in this music for an extreme
metal fan, so be warned.
© 2002 boris