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"When light takes us away" is the translation of the title. But this CD could also have been titled "Quintessence" or "Visions of a genius", because
Varg Vikernes is a real musical GENIUS.
The first track, "Det som en gang var" is the BEST BM track ever released and I guess nobody will ever create this kind of music
in a better way in the future, and nobody can deny this ! If you don't agree, then listen to this song 100 times and you'll understand
why you were wrong... during its 14'20", you are taken to vast forests with the synth parts and Varg Vikernes manages to reach the
limits of Black Metal. Crystaline-sounding keyboard, raw background guitar riffs and inhuuman screams, this is BURZUM's world, beyond
everything that exists in our miserable earthly life, beyond ALL so-called Black Metal bands... No comparison can be done, no band deserve
to be considered "as good as" BURZUM, as BURZUM is not just "good"... It is the QUINTESSENCE of Black Metal, its purest form. The second track
has the difficult task to succed to the first masterpiece, but this infinite path to Hell, this race to the final end on fire horses, manages to
satisfy you after such a track as "Det...". Not at all in the same vein, this one is more "primitive", with no synth, but with basic BURZUM-ish riffs
that could have been on the "Det som engang var" album and this endless rythm, characteristic of all BURZUM "Black metal" recordings (i.e. before
"Filosofem")... The 3rd track has all its interest in its last 2'30", if you want to experience nostalgia, listen to it : this is the best way to feel
nostalgic for something you don't know yet...
Finally come the synth-ambient track, "Tmhet", which is 14' long. Some people say it's a bit too simplistic to be on this CD, but if you listen to
it carefully, closing your eyes and imagining you are in the heart of a northern forest, guided by the light and the ravens, you will certainly
have a vision of what V.V. wanted to create with that track...
Pure, cold music... Varg Vikernes is the the star beyond all stars, and we must follow his light !
no rating needed
© 2002 lord pesten