Are you God?
Demo 2001
"Freestyle Deathgrind?" Judging from the group's picture, I'm guessing that this demo came into existence when one of the members (probably one of the two with the name "Fabio") accidentally stumbled across a late Napalm Death album, and managed to drop his skateboard long enough to convince his mates that it's even better than Cypress Hill. The first two tracks are nothing but annoying blast beats and since the vocalist can't seem to stop burping long enough to start doing vocals, they decided to change directions on the last song and incorporate some samples that I have to admit I'm sort of impressed by, because if I had searched day in and day out for a week I don't think I could have possibly found anything that appears to have less to do with the music at hand. This in conjunction with the typically irritating "grinding" guitar lines is all attributed to the most sickeningly crystal clear production I've ever heard, and I'm guessing the only thing they have left to do is get on Nuclear Blast alongside Lock Up and begin an American tour. But in spite of all this, the demo does have one redeeming quality: it only runs about 8 minutes long.
I really didn't think it was possible for anything this bad to come out of Brazil, and believe it or not the lyrics are so utterly retarded they have even the band's name beat out. On the first track they make absolutely no sense at all, the second sounds as if they're gearing up towards an after-school special about enlightening your mind and studying medicine, and I'm pretty sure the third one is about telemarketers. Some definite Vulcano and Holocausto influence in those lines. I wonder how Cogumelo could have possibly overlooked these guys.
On the upcoming album they're boasting "over 70 riffs and time signatures per minute," so maybe Fabio has found himself a Meshuggah album too.
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