This CD is the beginning of modern black metal. It created almost everything, and it is the starting point of a trilogy of LPs
released by Count Grishnackh that will stay in the legend forever. Released through DSP, owned at the time by Euronymous (RIP, god
of the godz !), it has still a HUGE influence on the bands that appear nowadays. Musically, Christian Vikernes is a GENIUS !
Nobody created extreme music with such feeling, so many atmospheres, it was unique at the time, even if it's easy to guess some
influences (BATHORY f.e., with the "War" track that reminds you of "Necromancy"...). The voice was certainly the most extreme in 1992,
and you can feel at hearing him scream that's something is wrong in his head... The mark of the geniuses...
I don't think I need to comment more on the music, because you must know this recording. If it's not the case, take a gun and blow
you head off like Dead of MAYHEM on that famous picture... There is a track, "A lost forgotten sad spirit", which is in its original mix
on that DSP release only, as the one which is on the Misanthropy re-issue is a different version taken from the "Aske" EP. But the difference
is small, and maybe this is not enough to make you pay about $ 150 on ebay to get this release...
Modern BM will never reach this recording, it is not a normal CD, it is REAL DARKNESS & HATRED. It's almost impossible to know what happened
in His mind when he recorded this...
no rating needed, as this CD is Black Metal
© 2002 lord pesten