[The Drama & Sin Company]

Well, call me a bad reviewer for I decided to review this CD after only hearing the first 10 seconds of every track, although I've tried really hard already.

If the vocalist Dagon didn't use the same name, I'd never believe this is the same band who released the very impressive self-titled CD on Creations Of Necromantical Mysteriis back in 1996. That was and still is one of my most favorite Dutch Black Metal albums(along with all Countess releases and the debut of Heretic). Back then the three corpse-painted offered some really nasty, primitive, necro-sounding blasphemies with a stunning cover of The Return of The Darkness and Evil. But what we have now is two serious-looking dudes showing how professional they are on playing/arranging keyboards. I've tried to think of any comparisons here but nothing finally came up, it's not because of that they are unique, the fact is that I feel all these beautiful/epic/symphonic/folk/romantic/sunshine shit sound no differences. Will it grow on you as time passes? Neither I shall know nor care! I won't even give it a second chance to rape my ears again.

Typical "synth+vocals+drum" rubbish that should be a perfect soundtrack for the next Disney adventure. (hey, have I really missed out the guitars??)

© 2001 plutoth