Black Flame Of Unholy Hate

For those of you who know the "nsbm" scene, you surely have found out by now that Funeral later turned into Kristallnacht. The only difference being Funeral Fucking sucks, and Kristallnacht is halfway decent. This demo, Black flame of Unholy hate really is quite boring, and bland. In fact, I have no desire to review it here, because there is nothing original about the entire tape. The production is the same as you would expect any demo to be, fading in and out at random, and highly muffled due to lack of good equipment. The vocalls are also what you would expect from any generic black metal band, half hearted rasps which denote the music more than anything. But most of all, the main hindrance to the tape is the utter lack of anything new material. I certainly don't believe this demo should have ever been released, and I am glad to here that these guys finally got their shit toghether and formed Kristallnacht.

© 2001 orodruin