Thy Lord / Song Of Melkor
United In Mankind's Affliction
[Black Vault]

Yowza! Yowza! Yowza! Get ready for the 24 hour thrash-a-thon Fonzie! (or is it more like 24 minutes??) S.O.M. are what I expected. Underproduced black metal. Reminds me of a starving, more restrained version of Chernobog. Also of the excitement of young amateurish, spit blood, underground tapetrader bands of the '80s. Noisy, harsh, and to the point. Anyone angry at the world, "god", the church, the media for blaming that Laden fuck instead of who's really responsible, etc, etc,...get this....low-fi, and violent.

Thy Lord's side of the cassette (one year in the making) starts off with a chick moaning in heat, before the headbangingly and godly "Suicidal Salvation". No idea what the buried, screamed vocals are about, and both sides are pretty short, but since it's cheap, limited, and cult-like, should I complain?

© 2001 mlotek