Legion Of Doom
1990-2000 - A Decade Of Darkness And Blood
Celebrating the 10-year carrer of that controversial band, this CD (which is in fact an official CD-R) features the two sold-out first CD of the Greek legends,
"Kingdom of Endless Darkness" (released in 1995) & "For those of the blood" (limited to 500 copies, out in 1997 on Hypervoera Records aka Black Lotus recs.).
The booklet includes a biography as well as a speech which clearly expresses the views of the band... Their first CD was issued with a swastika in the booklet, then
the booklet was "glutted" in order to hide that symbol... Well here once again you have that cross drawn on the artwork as well as the famous sentence "Whoever so called christian..."
that you can find on the second edition of "Kingdom..." At least, they are clear ! They decided to release that CD as they thought inacceptable the idea that their first CD was censored and
the second one not re-issued because labels do not want to work with bands with such ideologies. That's why this release was made by the band itself, limited to 500 copies and given only
to small or underground distros.
The band was formed back in 1990, their first demo "The desecration" was released in 1994 by Demon & Demogorgon, as well as these abums, on which
the 2 men used only session drummers. Now Aithir is the new "full-time drummer" of the band and 5 new tracks have been recorded, which will be the new reording from LEGION
OF DOOM. That's all about the career & the future of this Hellenic horde.
Concerning the music itself, if you know & like already the first two albums of the band, you don't need this CD unless you are a "collector-maniac". Indeed, it's limited and handnumbered to 500,
so if you really want it, act fast before some shit sells it for $ 50 or $ 100 on Ebay... For those who still do not know this band, you have to know that the second track of the "kingdom..." album
is a pure masterpiece. A 16' long, intense black metal track which is enough itself to make you buy the entire album. The music on this CD is pure Hellenic Black Metal, no need to say more, you
like it or hate it ! Maybe you should try first to get a copy of the bands' releases then try to get that CD (or the original issues of the albums) if you really like it. Personally, LEGION OF DOOM is one of
my favourite bands, even if I am not at all into their ideology...
"...The aeons... the milleniums... Forever. 'Til victory. Still fighting... through the years... the centuries..."
Rating : 8.5/10
© 2001 lord pesten