A Wintersunset...
This band seriously gives their songs titles like "A Gentle Grieving Farewell Kiss" and "Moonromanticism." What the fuck is this piece of shit? Empyrium sound like they're trying to rip off the acoustic side of Ulver, except they write lyrics about dreamy poetry in the starlit German woods and actually get some flat-voiced homosexual to sing about them who probably thinks he's evil when he decides to emit completely random feminine screams (I think it's him anyway) that have no correlation to the music at all. The guitars are weak and the drummer is so slow and bad that his first time in front of a set might have been when they went into the studio to record this thing. It's probably easiest to lump A Wintersunset... along with that entire fag neoclassical/gothic category and just leave it at that, because there's really nothing else to say about this melodic piece of bullshit. I do sort of enjoy that chick playing the flute though.
Avoid this.
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