Hate Forest
[Ancient Nation]
This Ukrainian band are more or less ripping off VON with an NS ideology, but I have to admit there are some good moments to the 25-minute mcd. Of course the atmosphere produced here is not even remotely comparable to the legend, the vocals are significantly weaker, and the drum machine will probably get on your nerves, but regardless it is a very grim and dark release with envisioned potential if only the group would try more significantly to create a unique style. Most of the elements are there but something just quite isn't making this formula work yet.
After a rather conventional and unimaginative intro of howling wolves the emotion behind the second track hits rather powerfully, and the succeeding ambient/folkish piece is a nice interjection which leads to three more black metal tracks of the same vein. There is nothing outstanding here, but good, and a decent atmospheric intro ends an album where the listener will probably have a feeling something is missing. I don't understand the comparison I was initially given to Veles but something about this definitely reminds me a lot of Nazxul's Totem. Deep, moderately strong, and raw.
Scythia has no booklet or liner notes but you do get a very commanding and authoritative "SUPPORT THE SLAVONIC HEATHEN FRONT!" index card.
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