Godless North
Summon The Age Of Supremacy
[Breath Of Night]
When I finally got around to hearing this band I rather fell in love with the atmosphere they produce, although many will probably think I'm hypocritical for getting heavily into Godless North and not more into something like Moonblood. The fifty minutes of music here are very grim and fast in the old school nineties vein with grinding guitars and snarling vocals, undoubtedly a conventional and dilapidated sound these days; however, something here has an energetic and over-the-top melee experience that reminds me of Maniac Butcher and other Czech acts. Somehow this Canadian band succeed where others fail and keep the fires burning and the battle raging.
Not much of a review is needed really. Many of you are going to call this Norsecore and stay with your Transilvanian Hunger and A Blaze in the Northern Sky albums, but listen first and maybe you'll get an alterior feeling that the Darkthrone influence is only the beginning and something larger and more inimitable has developed here. The eight tracks are far from uneventful and I rather enjoyed this, although Xibalba and Abyssic Hate do it much better.
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