Following The Voice Of Blood
[No Colours]
I don't get this. A Slavic "nazi" with silly clothes and a plastic sword in a forest
4 in the afternoon on a clear-skies winter day. And the music actually has its moments.
Well, seems I also have my mind set on things before I experience them first-hand.
Nazis can't make music, period. But I was wrong.
This album sounds raw, almost too raw for its symphonic, bombastic synth-melodies, but
perfectly raw for the guitars, bass and drums-only parts. Too bad Darken can't sing.
At all. The guitars and drums are badly played, too. The so-called blastbeats really
have to be experienced first-hand, otherwise you just won't understand how hilarious is
is when Capricornus tries to play fast.
But some riffs and some passages in certain songs are enjoyable.
The lyrics are silly fantasy/romantic tales of warriors running around and "purifying"
other people. They are not well written, either. And there a lot of spelling errors
everywhere. I didn't care too much about them.
Anyway, overall very substandard, with certain good parts. And funny drumming.
© 2001 daoloth