Drenched In Blood
[Spikekult Rekords]
Brilliant thrashy black metal from this Aussie outfit. As I understand it this is their sold out 7", with an extra track in the form of a re-recorded older demo track. I am a bit confused about their pagan/heathen tendencies, while also having some satanic tendencies, which however only manifests itself in one track, where the lyrics was written by their bass player unlike their others, which was written by the guitarist/vocalist. Perhaps there is a simple explanation but I can't see it, I did however learn that this bassplayer is now no longer in Urgrund, perhaps there were some ideological differences? Musically Urgrund do a splendid job, delivering some aggressive raw black metal with a very thrashy feel to it, as it's not actually too uncommon amongst Australian bands for some reason. For comparisons nothing really comes to mind, although they do not do things all that differently and original, they do however manage to capture their own sound, which is definatly a plus, and is rare in this age of
copy cat and clone bands. They have a very barbaric rough feel without resorting to excessive blasting, but just simple straight forward black metal(if that is the correct description seeing how it would seem they are a heathen/pagan type band). Definatly a MCD that is wrth getting while it's still available.
© 2001 sharund