For We...Who Are Consumed By The Darkness
This disc is truely a masterpiece!! The music contained within is a
death/black hybrid, but avoids
all the boring aspects associated with each (especially the death metal
boringness), and avoids
what bores me about all death/black bands (although I'm not quite sure what
it is that bores me
about them).. There are almost no melodies shown here, this is in your face
hateful music, done
better than 99.9% than all the other bands out there.. Don't get me wrong,
the music changes a lot
(see Agony's Tale) but always is extremely hateful.. This disc is mostly fast
paced, but can get
mid to slow paced and does it VERY nicely.. this disc is flawless
Vox - The vocals here are some of the best I've heard.. They are mostly done
in the black metal
fashion, but with so much hatred in them, and he occasionally does a deep
death growl (albeit, this
does bore me, as do all death growls, but its used very rarely).. he performs
the death growl
better than almost every death band out there, he manages to keep the
evilness in it..the vocals
here are nothing like Judas Iscariots (don't get me wrong, JI's vocals are
very good, fit the
music extremely well) they are inspired screams of utter hatred that just
could not be done any
better.. Flawless 10/10
Guitars - The guitar work on this album is very good as well.. Way more
technical than that found
on Judas Iscariots work.. they fit the music perfectly and completely
destroy.. Very hateful as
with everything on this disc.. they keep everything interesting, avoiding all
the cliches in
death and black music, and are just utterly awesome.. Near Perfect 9/10
Bass - AHHH!!! I love this cd.. the bass is always heard clearly, and it is
performed quite well!
They even throw in a couple of bass solos every now and then.. the bass is
very deep and muddled,
fitting the dark/hateful atmosphere that the music contains.. Listen to
Damned Below Judas to hear
some amazing bass work!... Flawless 10/10
Keys - Although almost never used (a good thing), when they are, they are
used extremely well, adding
to (instead of taking away from) the hateful atmosphere, nothing technical
done here, no leads,
no gay keyboard/guitar riffs, just thrown in to add a very nice touch of
atmosphere Nicely done 7/10
Drums - The drumming here is superb! (I worship this album) Fits the music
very well, hold the
rhythm down tightly, and just straight kills! The blast beats are all done
just as good as every
one who has done blast beats before.. when hes not blasting, he keeps every
technical and dark
and evil and hatefilled (as with everything on this album).. Near Perfect 9/10
Overall - This is definately one of my favorite albums.. the bass work is
amazing, and is heard
CLEARLY.. the music is EXTREMELY dark and hateful.. theres just not enough
that could be said
about this album.. so what the fuck are you doing reading this review?? GO
Flawless - 10/10
© 2000 niosrever