Ancient Ceremony
Under Moonlight We Kiss

I'm not quite sure what I am listening to here. is it some "black metal" band of the melodic fag-gothic sort. or is it a rock band? I mean seriously the concepts blur here, but hell one might say that it appears to be rock with a gothic touch, that has been run through the pseudo black metal aesthetics. i.e. vocal style and guitar sound, but all the music that is actually being played belongs in rock music basically. Ohh well I suppose it was bound to happen that metal got it's very own easy listening music, heh, I mean they even make Cradle Of Filth sound fucking metal, which is saying a fucking lot actually. It's hard to even say this is shit, because it's more the sort you just feel complete apathy towards, it doesn't do anything in anyway, you might as well be listening to silence, as it has the same meaning, it makes no real difference, it's even hard to become bored with so much apathy that comes from it, and hell that might even be an achievement on it's own...

© 2001 sharund