Svarta Sjalars Vandring
What we have here is the sickening ( and fucking IMPOSSIBLE to find )
demotape of the mighty swedish band Sorhin. As I have been told, the
vocalist ( cant read the damn names because the printing is so bad!!!!!!! )
laid down a genuine torture session upon himself to create the most utter
hateful sound in the music.... and hey, it works quite well. To a certain
extent, I think something like a torture session is very admireable, because
it shows to me that the feelings a particular individual has to express are
very true and dedicated, but at the same time I think it really fucks up the
music because it is always distracting my attention away from the
instruments themselves!!!! Ah well. Besides this, the music is great, and
really has NOTHING at all in common with Sorhin's later material.
Production is some of the worst I have heard, and the packaging is so bad
one can hardly read the names. But at the same time, the material displayed
on this tape is so unique, and so very different from anything coming out of
Sweden these days that it really requires an individual listen to
P.S. - Shammatee from Arckanum played drums on this recording, which really
brings the music to higher levels, as he is a wonderfull musician.
© 2001 orodruin