
Shamaatae, the heart and soul firing the essence behind of Arckanum, seems to be one of the last of a dying breed all over the black metal world, yet more specifically I believe, in Scandanavia. Now infiltrated by a generation of wimps and goths, it seems that the Swedish, and particularly Norwegian scenes have crumbled ( save of course the remaining few bands and individuals who have kept the flame kindled nonetheless) under the temptations of mass marketing and popularity. Well, FUCK EM' is what I say, and I'm sure that is right along the same line as what Arckanum would say as well. However, lets move on to what really counts, the music!! Shamaatae, as he has clearly expressed through the voice of words, but more importantly, through great black metal, is a man standing for the primieval world of Chaos, Ancient Midieval ages, and Pan. The bands first ( and only? ) demotape Trulen, is a clear reflection of this belief brought about through the launguage of sound. Straight to the point, simple and hypnotic passages of noise is all that you will find here, and to the dedicated maniac, this will surely suffice. I would also like to state in closing, that this man is an incredibly gifted musician, handling all the instruments personally ( and quite confidently I might add ), something which is quite comendable these days considering the average black metal, with full line-up band cannot even come up with a single original fucking riff, let alone play it out!!! Unfortunately, like almost all demotapes being circulated throughout the scene, there more oftenly than not seems to be a shortage of copies to go around, therefore raising the price considerably. This is indeed the case with Trulen. If you are fortunate enough to find a copy, you will most likely have to pay a lot for it. All I can say is that it is certainly worth the effort.

© 2001 orodruin