[Nuclear Blast]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......... WOW!!!! What a barrel of laughs I did get out of seeing this bunch of Cunts. Hard to believe, hard to Believe. I have always been fascinated by the effects of time, and what it can do to an individual's mind, or in the case of " THE TRUE " Norway, many individual's minds. Almost strange to believe this is the same Hellhammer that once was saying " we don't like black people here ( in black metal ), and what do you know, now he and his little friends are singing about Jihad, in fact, they actually have a song entitled.... yep, you guessed it, Jihad. Haha. Well I guess one good thing about Animatronic is the FUCKING HILARIOUS... I MEAN HILARIOUS photos of these Cunts, really. From the Pig tails on Lex Icon, to the cones sticking out of Psy Coma's eyes, the laughs will be long and loud. Besides all this, the music sucks as well. This is MUSIC FOR ECSTASY RAVERS, AND DISCO FAGS, PERIOD. If you are not one of these people, do not buy this album, unless of course you wish to see the pictures, it may well be worth the money.

© 2001 orodruin