Le Domaine des Ombres
(trans: "The Domain of shadows / The field of Shadows")
Like most BM bands from Québec, Esker has elected to play the european influenced variety of the genre. Don't let that put you off though, this 5 song demo is not boring or generic.
A side project of the more straight-forward and somewhat standard Veneficium, Esker has a definite pagan and Québec nationalistic feel (note the fleur-de-lis super-imposed onto the Elhaz).
The songs are never boring partly because of the tempo changes, strange instruments that appear briefly (mouth-harp?), and the non-vocals; by this I mean that Esker is virtually an instrumental band, with the occasional 'lyric' or screech permeating the raw and intense instrumentation.
I'm not sure what to compare this to, maybe old Enslaved? All I know is this is one interesting demo.
There is no band contact, but you can order copies through Sepulchral Productions:
© 2001 nivende