Chained and Desperate
Oracles from the Neitherworld

'Nature Pagan Metal' (taken from the liner notes) is how Chained and Desperate would like to be classified. Funny, no?

Anyway, this 1997 demo is comprised of 6 straightforward 'atmospheric' Greek Black Metal, although the replacement of 'Black' with 'Nature' describes the band's sound much better.

There are some short cold moments here and there, but overall this demo is too 'warm' sounding, with its epic sounding synths and 'traditional' metal influence.

Demonion has re-released this with additional bonus tracks; recommended for fans of this fantasy 'life-force' style of metal.

Chained and Desperate
Nature Pagan Metal Band
c/o Nick Giagiakos
C Smirnis 49
New Falio
Hellas (Greece)

© 2001 nivende