The Devil And The Whore
[Barbarian Wrath]

What little I'd heard of Megiddo until this album, the computer drums had always bothered me, but now Megiddo has struck with a real drummer and the peasants rejoiced. This already starts when looking at the CD cover, which shows the master amidst fornicating, and progresses as one hears the CD which starts off which excatly the title track, the goat has his horns raised high tonight, in glorious splendour of this utter vile, filthy, raw and primitive glorification of what some would define as the ultimate evil. This is quite clearly the destruction of all things judeo-christian put into sonical form, if not even the destruction of all things, tis not the war to end all wars, but the war to end all things. This filthy rotten sickening slap of hate is so wonderfully old fashioned, that were it not for some computer generated graphical effects on the cover, one might easily mistake this for something at least 10 years old, or perhaps even older still. With a remarkable production that compliments the sonic hate quite perfectly, while being raw and filthy as few it still remains clear, everything going on you can hear, many bands could take a lesson from this. In all this is just an album that is perfectly complemented, by all it's defining features. Not aquiring this, would be the mark of a very foolish man...

© 2000 sharund