Hagalaz' Rundedance
The Winds Sang Of Midgard's Fate

Ahh well isn't this nice, Mrs. Samoth can make music too, even has Mr. Thomas "I'mwasabigevilsatanistbutIgrewupandgotcoolsunglassesandnowmywifesaysIamagoodvikingmandandeveryonejustmisunderstandsme" Haugen playing a bit of nice acustic guitar, how sweet. This little new age peice of music really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and not to mention sleepy. If I am not to mistaken she at one point sings something about thousand years to late, but I don't get it, this is only about 35-40 years to late, it would have been a big smash back in the sixties, particularly this little duet peice. Ohhh yeah groovy man, fight the men that came and tried to rape our souls, so far out man, never let the our gods die man, do you have anymore weed? Spaced out man, this is the dawn of aqaurious man, lets sing songs of protest while siting and getting stoned...

© 2000 sharund