Ancient Storms Of War
[Barbarian Wrath]
Invoking thoughts of Hellhammer, early Sodom, Barathrum and Countess, this American outfit could most certainly live up to Countess's description of orthodox black metal. Raw, dirty as hell, basic, primitive and diabolic. It leans far towards traditional old black metal, mainly that of the 1st wave, meaning that you will find no trace of feeble norsecore here, just primal black metal for what it used to be... Raw hatred for the glory of satan, make of that what you will, but Gravewürm in my book has created something so daringly traditionalistic, so conforming to that of old, that makes it stand out as original, in an age where the old is just that old and mostly long gone, even despite this pathetic retro trend, that never captures the feel of the old masters they imitate, and just barely captures the aesthetic, Gravewürm on the other hand feels like that of age, where others sound like modern bands trying to play like that of yesteryear, Gravewürm sounds like some recording that has been dug up from
the mid eighties, and if that doesn't sound like it's killer black metal to you, because it's not from Norway, and doesn't sound like Darkthrone or Marduk, then fuck you!
© 2000 sharund