[Last Episode]
Urgh what the hell????? Ok I hear drums and I hear keyboards, ohh boy do I hear keyboards, hmmmmm there is some vocals floating about occasionally, hmmmm is that it or what? What's that bee noise in the background? Could it be that it is the guitar? Ohhh boy these keyboards are all over the place, and they really make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, ohhh yeah a la la la la peice, I just wanna hug all you nice people out there. Ohhhhh vocals downpitched with an mechanical effect, now that is impressive what's it supposed to sound like? Perhaps satan? Sounds more like santa with a hangover, how nice and lovely, this is a splendid peice of life affirming happienes. And here with a title like Anti-Genesis I thought it would be some really nasty black metal, and then it's just happy keyboard music, glad that is straightened out, but there is still one thing I don't quite get, I heard this band once, called Eminenz which oddly enough is also the name of this band, also frome Germany, both of them Annaberg
nonetheless I think, it's really amazing, because that other band once back in the day did actually do some not entirely bad black/death, not overly interesting but at least with some potential, but this crap, and I do mean crap, can't possibly be the same band can it? Someone please tell me that it isn't...
© 2000 sharund