Malevolent Creation
In their most solidified sound malevolent
creation expose the core of direct and basic aggression in florida death
metal with a high speed masterpiece that also slowly graduates the genre
from its anthemic roots in rock-n-roll. rolling lightspeed strumming
crushes melody and tone in advancing structure of destruction. although
sometimes too close to the anthemic bounciness that makes both Kreator and
florida metal at times unlistenable, this music knows its strength and
thus emphasizes tone-centric short phrases chopped into abrupt rhythms
alternating with racing and lightly melodic ascents of longer phrase.
gutpuking is an abrupt bark and drumming is precise and fast while
maintaining the background ambience of non-intrusive technical drumming. a
satisfying release that recalls a history of death and speed metal
alongside a future projection of extreme structuralist music, "envenomed"
delivers the satisfaction of insane florida death metal.
© 2000 s.r. prozak