[Metal Mind]
Fuck oh fuck oh fuck! Wow! Poland's Behemoth transform their raw pagan/ black
metal approach into killer, ripping death metal! Probably longtime fans are not
interested, but this slays me dude. Strong, gory vocals. For awhile I've been
trying trying to create an evil, melodic riff like the opening for "Ceremony of
Shiva". Looks like Nergal & Co. beat me to it. Track 4 gets brutal in a Sinister
'Bastard Saints' fashion with a modern, razor sharp feel. Sort of like Morbid
Angel's 'Altars of Madness' lp mixed with mid-paced Immortal and Rotting Christ.
Haven't heard fast double kick drumming that smashes your head open like this
for awhile (well, almost 8 hours!)
Anyway, this IS more of a death metal than black metal release. Since the
sound is so SHARP and brutal, but fans of both genres will enjoy it. Now, I'm
dying to get the double cd version of Satanica on Avantegarde Records for the
bonus stuff. The last track "Chant for EXHATON 2000" absolutely blows me away!
What a god riff! This band can do no wrong!
1.Decade of Oepion
3.Ceremony of Shiva
4.Of Sephirotic transformation and Carnality
5.The Sermon to the Hypocrites
6.The Alchemist's dream
7. Chant for EXHATON 2000
© 2000 mlotek