Corpus Christii
Saeculum Domoni
[So Die]

A two-man black metal project from Portugal that was formed in 1998 by members of Noctu. This is pretty extreme stuff, combining noise and distortion with hyper-speed and basically creating one long and unrelentless mess. Several will probably pass this off as boring blind chaos but the potential for greatness definitely exists and there are many promising moments. The lyrics are of course either heavily Satanic or heavily anti-Christian oriented - not very original, but who cares? Better that than some stupid tree-hugging fairy crap which so many bands feel obligated to sing about nowadays.

There are eight tracks total (not that it makes much difference, because it is usually very difficult to tell them apart) and number 4, "Crown Denied," is probably the best. Songs 6 and 7 are good as well, which is a large component of what makes me desire to support this band; it is rare in something so repetitive for the second half to be a distinct improvement. Corpus Chriisti thus comes recommended (if possible to find) and only the future will prevail what they amount to.

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