Helvetin Yhdeksan Piiria
[Evil Horde]
I can't say that I like Azaghal's second full length as much as I did their demos, but this definitely has some bite to it regardless. Helvetin Yhdeksan Piiria (translated in English to "The Nine Circles of Hell") displays the Finnish band in an existentially more mature state than their previous work - although the instruments are tighter and the production showcases some real talent, a lot of that pure and raw energy seems to have disappeared. As a result there are a couple of killer tracks ("When the Sun Died", "Armageddon", "The Vaults of Death") embedded in an ultimately mediocre album which ends way too quickly and leaves the impression that something has been omitted from the formula.
For those unfamiliar with the band (they have obtained quite a bit of attention in the underground lately), Azaghal's music tends to play through fast and straightforward while often trailing into sudden and unexpected acoustic breaks (no stupid synths, however). The drumming is fast and powerful and the vocals are simply great, ranging from deep-throated grunts to traditional screaming to an almost high-pitched "barking" which is very reminiscent of the demos; I only wish they returned to using them with more frequency. One complaint is that almost all of the material found on Helvetin Yhdeksan Piiria has already been available in some form or fashion, and thus a large part of the release will seem obsolete to those that have been following the band periodically - advocates may want to bypass this altogether and move directly on to the next offering, appropriately entitled Black Terror Metal. Regardless, a portion of that lost feeling is nullified because the entire set is wrapped in some excellent
artwork, ranging from the cover to a booklet containing lyrics and absurd band photos.
Overall, a very solid and decent outing from an upcoming band - these guys are nowhere near the likes of Beherit or early Barathrum yet, and perhaps they never will be, but Azaghal are young, aggressive, and practice constantly. Keep an eye out and you probably won't be disappointed.
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