Allow me to quote several utmost "veracious" and "modest" statements from the
bio that came along with the promo copy of the latest album by these
self-proclaimed "true survivors in the extreme black metal scene."
"Unlord is a North European black metal formation existing since 1989."
Hmmm, fishy. "They recorded 3 demos in a period of 6 years which showed
extreme black metal combined with songwriting." Black metal combined with
songwriting? Well, ok, but here comes the juicy part. "Their latest demo was
so incredibly good and strong, that they immidiately (sic) got a deal with
Displeased Records." Aha, and what the hell were they thinking (I mean the
label)? But that's not all. "You can immidiately (sic) hear the mystical,
atmospheric yet brutal backgrounds of the members, who still remain unknown
today despite the huge success of their first album." Eh? "Unlord's goal is
not publicity about their music, they only want people to enjoy their black
creations." Umm, I am sure. "Since Unlord does not want to be violated in
their privacy they will not do any interviews, nor answer direct mail." Come
on guys, just admit it. There is no shame in being gay. Is there? "Unlord
will stick to their brilliant black metal style which they showed on their
debut "Scharzwald." I haven't heard it despite, er, its huge success, but
BRAND's review expresses a very peculiar opinion about it. "No trendy whimpy
style, just great black metal the way the masters play it." Mmm, whatever
you say.
In reality, this "great," "brilliant" black metal is basically what some
people refer to as Norsecore, very boring and downtrodden at that. The
music is mostly speed and blast with a few melodic passages here and there,
and a little bit of keyboards. The handling of the instruments is very good
from the purely technical standpoint, but the riffs are boring as hell, and
the songs exude no real feel what so ever. If there are any emotions to be
found here, they are all made of plastic. Very clear yet dry production
doesn't do much for the music except adding more genericness.
One band member's alias is Gor-Gho-Phon. Quite an excellent choice Mr.
Gor-Gho-Phag (couldn't resist throwing it in). Not that the rest of the band
(Thorgrim (how original), Yhe (this guy must really have lots of imagination)
and StabAss...oh, excuse me, it's Stabath) did any better.
If it wasn't already clear, this CD stinks. One good thing is that it came
to my possession at a time when I needed someone to taunt and scoff at, and
for that I thank you Unlord.
© 2000 boris