Carne de Cementerio
Gore-saturated death/grind from a Spanish duo. Fans of the genre should find
it to be enjoyable to say the least, for this is a quality release. I kind
of like it too. Sure, it's all been done before, but these Spaniards sound
like they really did their homework, which is a different way of saying that
"Carne de Cementerio" is considerably well crafted. These guys got some
talent. The album is not too long, so it doesn't get too overwhelming, and
it is varied enough for it not to fall into the rut of monotony and boredom.
Being sung...sorry, being growled in Spanish gives it a bit of an exotic
edge. They also do a cover of Abscess' 'Suicide Fuck' and use samples from
the horror movies ala Mortician. One such sample is particularly funny.
"Enter the world of psycho-sexual mind. From [the man] who brought you 'Dr.
Zhivago''Torso!'...'Torso!'...'Torso!'" Way to go muchachos.
© 2000 boris