From The Shadows
Ohh, this one is a classic. I imagine when it came out in 1993, a lot of
people scratched their heads. Back then death metal still reigned supreme
(though not for long), and the upcoming black metal explosion was just
beginning to rear its head. Where did Unholy fit in all this? Nowhere
really. They were, and still are, very much in the league of their own.
Besides, I think it would be a fair assessment if I said that even up to this
day doom remains one of the less popular metal subgenres (ok-ok, My Dying
Bride and the like notwithstanding).
But anyway, several minutes into "From The Shadows" you can already be sure
that some twisted minds are at work here. It is doom alright, undeniably
heavy and depressing at that, but it is nothing like you've heard before.
It's that unique guitar sound - all thick and gluey - which Unholy pretty
much retained up to this date. It's those otherworldly occult tendencies
that the band are so good at projecting. It's this bizarre song writing
style that this album along with "The Second Ring Of Power" showcased so
The songs are just so far beyond the realm of normalcy, or sanity for that
matter, that you can never take them for granted. These psychoneurotic
pieces sluggishly veer, interlace and mess with your mind, guiding you
through a murky labyrinth from which there is no way out. Just when you
think you saw a glimpse of an exit, a ray of light from underneath the clouds
of darkness, you better not believe it, for your hopes will be dashed ever so
brutally. In other words, don't listen (and by "listen" I mean "really
listen") to it if your sanity is dear to you.
But hey, who needs sanity in this world anyway? Sanity must be crushed,
eradicated, knocked out with a knuckle-duster and burned down with napalm.
Morbid Angel were right after all. Blessed are the sick. So get this album
you sane bastard, embrace the blessed delirium or be forever confined in a
nutshell of sober rationality. Now that would be scary.
© 2000 boris