[Nuclear Blast]

I have (and I’m sure you have too) read many reviews regarding this release. If I sum them all up this is considered total crap and I agree. Then why write this review?, you may ask. Well, well, I guess the only thing I want to say is that despite the fact that this is a crappy release, a total disappointment there is one gem to be found that many seem to have overlooked. I am talking about the song “Om Kristen og Jödisk tru” (About Christian and Jewish faith) which I consider to be really good actually. When you have read this far and finally understood that I don’t have anything special to offer really (I’m just saying what has already been said a thousand times) I guess you feel disappointed. Try to remember this feeling, try to capture it! Now, multiply it a thousand times (give or take). How do you feel now? DISAPPOINTED?

If you played this little mind-game successfully I guess you are closing in on the feeling I experienced when I listened to this CD the first time. If you haven’t bought this CD, congratulations! (try to download the abovementioned song from the net if you like Gorgoroths previous outings)

My hat is off for Gorgoroth who now truly are dead as the dodo, my hat is also off for Pest, one of the greatest vocalists of all time (hopefully his good name will not be to stained after his sporadic appearance on this CD)


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